The number one rule as a man is to NEVER put your hands on a woman. Countless times that rule has been crossed and the man being the wrongdoer has to face punishment due to his senseless behavior. However, Former Seattle Seahawks offensive lineman Chad Wheeler did not receive the same fate as many others.
This past weekend news broke that Chad Wheeler beat his girlfriend until she was unconscious. It goes to a deeper magnitude as Wheeler believed he killed her and proceeded to eat his food as if nothing occurred. Hearing those gruesome details makes me sick to my stomach. What makes it even more outrageous is that this man was released yesterday with a $400,000 bond. If you were to take a trip down memory lane player's such as Kareem Hunt, Chad Johnson, Danry Vásquez, and Ray Rice were talked about on nearly every news outlet. This major news story has practically been swept under the rug.
We need to ask ourselves whether the result would be different if a minority athlete committed the same repugnant act. It is no secret that when a minority athlete commits a crime, he or she is charged to the fullest extent possible and subjected to continuous media coverage. Hearing him tell his girlfriend “Wow your still alive” after she ran into the bathroom after the assault, is just saddening and this man should not see the light of day because he had all intentions of killing this woman. Time will only tell the repercussions Chad Wheeler will face, hopefully, his girlfriend will recover completely and be able to overcome that traumatic experience.