If you don't know who Zach Allen is, you will find out soon enough. The University of Houston graduate is a fantastic sports contributor for SB Nation, ESPN 97.5, and the Houston Rockets. It is no secret that this individual is destined to thrive in the sports world, as seen by his ability to write wonderfully detailed stories and ask important questions to Houston Rockets players after games.
Zach also has his own podcast, "Zo's Podcast," where he talks about all things Rockets. These podcasts also include episodes with Coty Davis, Carlos Pope, Taylor Pate, and a slew of more guests, making this a must-listen-to podcast. Big things are on the horizon for him as he continues to lay the groundwork for a successful career.
"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly stasifed is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do, said Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs".
This quote defines Zach Allen because he is doing what he loves, which is sports, and he is loving every moment of the journey he is on right now. I have no doubt that when the time comes, he will be a tremendous sports personality/writer in this field.